Red Lines, and a Better Story

It appears to some that the Church of England has (finally?) crossed a red line, for those of us (within and without) who hold to an orthodox anthropology and theology around issues of identity. Yesterday saw some ‘pastoral guidance‘ published, … Continued

Book Review: Father, Son & Holy Spirit

While my ongoing theological reading and research focuses to some extent on what it means to be made in the Image of God, I also intend to keep reading and thinking around the particular God that I believe we are … Continued

Book Review: Being Disciples

The topic of Discipleship is one that I’ve been passionate about throughout my whole Christian life – no wonder, in fact, as it is the paradigm that Jesus calls us to. More recently, I’ve come to appreciate the work and … Continued

Book Review: Kingdom, Hope and the End of the World

From time to time I like to interrupt my preoccupation with my planned reading and engage with something that a friend has written, partly because it is from someone I know, and partly because the topic is so interesting. I’m … Continued

Book Review: Journeys in Grace and Truth

While I’ve not met Jayne in real life, we’ve interacted on Twitter and Facebook in various ways. The topic of conversation is often the church and its attitude to LGBT people and theology. It was with some interest, then, that … Continued


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