An Interview with Alexander Venter

You might have seen my review of Alexander Venter’s new book, Doing Spirituality. As it is quite a long, meaty and beautiful book, I asked Alexander a few questions to help explain and explore what he’s written. I hope it … Continued

Top Reads: October 2018

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After my (slightly late) roundup of what I read in September, I’ve got what I read in October ready to go… A great blog post over at the Good Book Company, ‘When Depression Makes Church So Hard‘. TLDR: Read this … Continued

Book Review: Theology of the Body

Every now and again, I’m privileged to be at conferences meetings or events that I wouldn’t expect to be. One of the best things about this random trait of my experience of life has been free books. Recently, I was enjoying … Continued

Blogging as one under authority

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​ Speaking as a white under 30 conservative evangelical charismatic Christian male human who works in Digital, I couldn’t help but notice a rather provocative article hosted over at Christianity Today about authority and blogging. You should read it before … Continued


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