Book Review: John Calvin and Evangelical Theology

Today I’m reviewing another multi-contributor volume, in this instance one from a few years ago (2007) about one of my biggest theological influences and his impact on the theological movement I tend to find myself in. ‘John Calvin and Evangelical … Continued

Book Review: John (ZECNT)

Reviewing commentaries is a tricky business – particularly for me as a generalist, and an in-publisher editor of commentaries! I tend to offer my review based on the format and content of the volume, and it’s utility or otherwise to … Continued

Book Review: Seeing by the Light

This is published in the UK by Apollos, the academic imprint of IVP, for whom I work. I hope doesn’t cloud my review. Apollos/IVP Academic’s Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture Series continues to churn out some fantastic books. Steven J. … Continued

Book Review: Simply God

I’ve had this book on my shelves for years, and finally got round to re-reading it and reviewing it recently, as I was inspired by the publication of Steven Duby’s God in Himself. Peter Sanlon’s first book Simply God: Recovering the Classical Trinity … Continued

Book Review: Doing Spirituality

To those within Vineyard and New Wine Christian circles, Alexander Venter will be a familiar name. Venter is a South African pastor and church planter, currently engaged in itinerant teaching ministry, having planted and pastored churches. He is one of … Continued

Unburying the Lede: Jesus

  I recently posted a review of a book that I couldn’t recommend, and have found the responses to that review on social media and in private correspondence very interesting. A trusted friend, with vastly more wisdom and learning than … Continued


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