Book Review: None Greater
When I was a child, in the Sunday School of the Baptist church I grew up in, we used to sing a song that went something like this: “What is God like? God is good…“, which I later worked out … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
When I was a child, in the Sunday School of the Baptist church I grew up in, we used to sing a song that went something like this: “What is God like? God is good…“, which I later worked out … Continued
Regular readers, or friends in real life, will know that a particular theological passion of mine is the wonderful truth that every human being is made in the Image of God. This glorious doctrine is coming in to more and … Continued
When a new book on sexuality and the Bible, or related topics, lands on my desk/laptop, it can be hard to sum up the enthusiasm to read it. Particularly when it has such a vacuous title as this one, ‘Love … Continued
May has been a unique month in a unique year. Nevertheless, my reading has continued. Here are a few highlights. One highlight was James Mumford’s excellent VEXED. TLDR? The world is polarised. But truth can be found on all sides. … Continued
This is published in the UK by Apollos, the academic imprint of IVP, for whom I work. I hope doesn’t cloud my review. Apollos/IVP Academic’s Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture Series continues to churn out some fantastic books. Steven J. … Continued