Book Review: Galatians [CCF]

Reviewing commentaries is a tricky business – particularly for me as a generalist, and an in-publisher editor of commentaries! I tend to offer my review based on the format and content of the volume, and it’s utility or otherwise to … Continued

My Top Ten Books of 2019

I’ve been watching with interest various people and organisations post their ‘book of the year’ lists, and have held off doing my own largely because I was finishing up a few books that I wondered if they MIGHT sneak into … Continued

Book Review: History and Eschatology

Reviewing books by N. T., or Tom, Wright is always an adventure. Partly because there are so many of them, partly because he has fans and detractors in similar numbers, and partly because his output is so broad, covering both … Continued

Book review: The Christian Doctrine of Humanity

Readers should have realised by now that one of my biggest theological interests is ‘theological anthropology’, or rather understanding what it is to be human in an explicitly Christian way, informed by Scripture. This book, then, represents the proceedings of … Continued

Book Review: A War of Loves

Committed and regular readers will know that, alongside other topics (like being human, prayer, and aging) I have read quite widely and deeply about human sexuality and the relationship between that and Christian Spirituality. So, when I heard a fragment … Continued


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