My #AARSBL23 Book Pile

There is some debate about the hashtag here – I privilege #AARSBL23 over #SBLAAR23 as I’m an AAR Member – it is also worth noting that ETS is a distinct conference, and some of the books were gained there… Historical … Continued

Book Review: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament – The Gospel Realized

Some might argue that I’m a little late to the game on this book, and it’s companion volume on the Old Testament (both published in 2016), but a useful resource is a useful resource, and thats why I’m reviewing A … Continued

Book Review: Canon, Covenant and Christology

At the outset of this review I should note that I work for the publisher of the NSBT Series in the UK, and that this may cloud my review. Let the reader understand! I’ve been excited about this book since … Continued

It is Better by Far…

Sometimes, just sometimes, disparate threads in a story are drawn together in such a way that the reader can but marvel at the authors skill.  Sometimes, just sometimes, we see the same thing happening accidentally in the real world. I’ve … Continued


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