2019’s Reading in Review

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Following on from my post of similar content last year, here is a rough overview of what I’ve read this year, broadly subdivided by a few categories… (I’ve also tried putting stuff into GoodReads for the last year, though that … Continued

My Top Ten Books of 2019

I’ve been watching with interest various people and organisations post their ‘book of the year’ lists, and have held off doing my own largely because I was finishing up a few books that I wondered if they MIGHT sneak into … Continued

It is Better by Far…

Sometimes, just sometimes, disparate threads in a story are drawn together in such a way that the reader can but marvel at the authors skill.  Sometimes, just sometimes, we see the same thing happening accidentally in the real world. I’ve … Continued

Unburying the Lede: Dominion

I recently posted a review of a book that I couldn’t recommend, and have found the responses to that review on social media and in private correspondence very interesting. A trusted friend, with vastly more wisdom and learning than I, … Continued


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