Thinking Carefully about Spiritual Abuse

Following recent revelations publicly about a leading Anglican evangelical and abuse, and with a new book about Spiritual Abuse just published, I was prompted again (whilst reading Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse) of the need to think carefully about this … Continued

Book Review: Atonement and the New Perspective

It was a joy to be given a copy of this book by the author – a fellow Vineyard scholar/theologian, with whom I’ve shared genuine friendship, robust disagreement, and serious dialogue. Atonement and the New Perspective: The God of Israel, Covenant, … Continued

Book Review: Paul Behaving Badly

“The Apostle Paul was kind of a jerk” This is the provocative premise of what might be my new favourite book on Paul, by E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O’Brien, two New Testament scholars who have previously co-written Misreading Scripture … Continued


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