Book Review: The Mestizo Augustine
Sometimes you get hold of a new book and you can’t wait to read it – other times, you (or rather I) pluck something off a shelf because it catches your eye. As I shared at the start of the … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
Sometimes you get hold of a new book and you can’t wait to read it – other times, you (or rather I) pluck something off a shelf because it catches your eye. As I shared at the start of the … Continued
The name David Wells will likely be known to one subset of readers of this blog, and an unknown one to others. This book, though, should be of interest to anyone who reads this blog and/or is interested in issues … Continued
standard disclaimer – I recieved a free copy of this book to review. I hope that doesn’t cloud what I say. I spent the first part of this week up in Nottingham with friends from the Vineyard movement at the … Continued
This time next week (give or take the time difference, sorry!) I’ll have been sat through the first plenary and welcome and so-on for the 2018 gathering of the Society of Vineyard Scholars. I’m excited to have been invited to … Continued
After thoroughly enjoying myself presenting and discussing two recent papers, I’ve continued to dig and think about a range of theological topics. I’m excited to be presenting two more bits of thinking at two very different conferences. Firstly, next … Continued
Today’s book review is an interesting one, for me at least. Scott Hahn is an American Roman Catholic theologian, author and teacher, who is prolific enough that I’m planning on reading two of his books this year (this one, and … Continued
One of most common things I’m asked about is whether I can recommend a good book on the Trinity. The Trinity is who God is, and who God has revealed Gods-self to be. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit – … Continued
One of the nice things about my eclectic interests and ecclesially broad employment to date is that sometime books appear in print that friends have written – in the case of the book I’m reviewing today, I remember being enthused … Continued
One of the books I’ve been recommended more than any other, by a myriad of friends, over the past few years, is the classic novel Silence. Having flicked through it as a teenager – a well meaning teacher thought it might … Continued
As readers will know, I’m a fan of books that make serious theology, biblical studies, and church history easily available and accessible to people with less time or inclination to read. I’m lucky/cursed to be able to actually enjoy … Continued