My Top Ten Commentaries of 2024.

In 2024 I managed to read a commentary on every book of the Bible. For some, I read more than one (1 Peter, Ezra/Nehemiah, Ephesians, Matthew, several of the minor prophets, and Ecclesiastes), whereas many commentaries cover more than one … Continued

Top Twenty Commentaries of 2023

This is a blog post that will make more sense if you’ve had a glance at my longer post about what I read in 2023, as well as my post on the reading of commentaries generally, as well as another … Continued

Book Review: Isaiah-Ezekiel [ESVEC]

Reviewing commentaries is a tricky business – particularly for me as a generalist, and an in-publisher editor of commentaries! I tend to offer my review based on the format and content of the volume, and it’s utility or otherwise to … Continued

Book Review: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament – The Gospel Promised

Some might argue that I’m a little late to the game on this book, and it’s companion volume on the New Testament (both published in 2016), but a useful resource is a useful resource, and thats why I’m reviewing A Biblical-Theological … Continued


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