DISCLAIMER – Anything written on this blog by me should be seen as the opinion of me only, and not taken as representing the views of anyone I might be associated with. (for example – my wife, UCCF, NUCU, St Johns College Nottingham, Trent Vineyard, Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland, The University of Nottingham, CSBC, HTB, South West London Vineyard, Mission Theology, The London School of Theology, SPCK, IVP, London City Mission or any past, present or future employers)



I’m Tom, a 33 year-old follower of Jesus. I’m married to Amy, and we recently welcomed our first son, following two wonderful daughers. I’m currently working as Publishing Director at Inter-Varsity Press in London, so if you’ve got a book or blog idea, let me know! I was the first Digital Marketing Executive at SPCK/IVP, and have also spent time working in charity Communications. I’ve previously been a Consultant to a Bishop, and before that thoroughly enjoyed working for Krish Kandiah as PA to the President at LST. Before all that Amy and I were part of the Discipleship Year at Trent Vineyard, which we enjoyed. Academically (apart from biblical theology!), I am interested in systematic theology above all, and John Calvin, Evangelicalism, The Image of God, ethics, the reformation and ecumenism in particular. I also get ridiculously excited about other topics; but the big focus for me at the moment is theological anthropology and the Doctrine of the Imago Dei. I think the implications and frameworks of this Doctrinal area are genuinely fascinating.

I wrote the dissertation for my BA on the extent to which Calvin’s idea of the Sovereignty of God shapes his theological approach. If you have any Calvin resources, links or so on, do let me know!

My MA Dissertation considered the Doctrine of Imago Dei with two trajectories in mind – embodiment and relational capacity. I’m continuing to read and write on this topic, as you can see from this blog.

I grew up in a Grace Baptist Church, the wonderful and faithful Chertsey Street Baptist Church (now known as Grace Church Guildford). I’m immensely grateful to the grounding in the biblical narrative, and the rational desire for truth that I received there. I became a Christian in 2004, after a sermon on Colossians 3 at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C, and still hold to a generally Baptist theology. My adventures in Nottingham saw us land at Trent Vineyard – a big, noisy, out-reaching church in Lenton. I loved being a part of Trent. We also spent 8 mostly happy years at South West London Vineyard. We had been a part of HTB in South Kensington, from whence we lead a small group in our home for a year. Since the middle of 2024, we’ve been part of the church at Holy Trinity Clapham.

I’m blessed with a bunch of great friends – some of my oldest and best coming from the incredibly formative years I spent at Guildford Urban Saints – formerly Crusaders.

Long term I’m hoping and trusting I’ll end up in some form of ministry (possibly academic) – I think that preaching the word, loving people, engaging with Truth and coming alongside people with the Gospel are some of the best things in the world. My path to that is currently unknown – so expect changes, updates and random interludes! For the time being, I mostly do this by writing book reviews and occasionally speaking, but only God knows what the future holds.

I blog because I think I have something to say. I’m understanding more and more about Jesus every day – and realising the effect my sin has on my life, and the wonderful Grace with which Jesus showered on me and all who would call on him at the Cross. I’m coming to terms with the radical truth of God’s ongoing activity through his Spirit in the World, and I’m convinced that in order to be an effective church today, we need to be a people who love the Word, look back, and also press forward.

Thanks for reading!

Since 2017 I’ve been counting what I’ve read/reviewed and sharing some thoughts about it.


I blog here – this is the content heavy, interaction central place.

I have a Facebook Page and also Tweet as @ThomasCreedy – feel free to follow me and start a conversation!

If you’ve been interacting with me online for a while – or are someone I know in more dimensions than just a screen, then feel free to add me on Facebook.

Read my ‘academic cv’ here.