My Top Twenty Books of 2024
In 2024 I just about managed to read 150 books, as I’d aimed to (Though, if you take a look at the long list of what I read, I didn’t hit all of my reading goals by any means!). Not all … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
In 2024 I just about managed to read 150 books, as I’d aimed to (Though, if you take a look at the long list of what I read, I didn’t hit all of my reading goals by any means!). Not all … Continued
In 2024 I managed to read a commentary on every book of the Bible. For some, I read more than one (1 Peter, Ezra/Nehemiah, Ephesians, Matthew, several of the minor prophets, and Ecclesiastes), whereas many commentaries cover more than one … Continued
As I wrote in my reflections on 2023’s reading, a combination of some deliberate goals, and the (eventually healthy, if tiring!) birth of our son (And third child), meant I was holding my goals lightly for 2024. This is just … Continued
When I read an edited collection of essays, I’ll usually post a sentence or two of thoughts per chapter/essay. This review – a potted review, if you will – represents that approach, so may or may not ‘do’ what you, dear … Continued
Reviewing commentaries is a tricky business – particularly for me as a generalist, and an in-publisher editor of commentaries! I tend to offer my review based on the format and content of the volume, and it’s utility or otherwise to … Continued
Reviewing commentaries is a tricky business – particularly for me as a generalist, and an in-publisher editor of commentaries! I tend to offer my review based on the format and content of the volume, and it’s utility or otherwise to … Continued
On and off, I’ve been trying to read and reflect on a Psalm a day. I’ll read the Psalm, pray, and then ponder a few questions: What is this Psalm about? What does this Psalm teach about God? How does … Continued
Reviewing commentaries is a tricky business – particularly for me as a generalist, and an in-publisher editor of commentaries! I tend to offer my review based on the format and content of the volume, and it’s utility or otherwise to … Continued
As someone who’s had the privilege of doing a theology degree or two, I’m always on the lookout for books and resources that I can recommend to people without any formal theological education, but keen to stretch themselves and learn … Continued
Only the other day I was talking to a friend about how few are the couples we know, with or without children, who have not had some experience of stillbirth, miscarriage, or infertility problems. As a father of three healthy … Continued