Book Review: Protestant Social Teaching

One of the books I picked up at some academic conferences in Denver last month was this, Protestant Social Teaching: An Introduction, from the Davenant Institute. With essays from some folk whose work I’ve appreciated before (like Matthew Lee Alistair Roberts … Continued

A Bibliography: Prayer

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Throughout my writing career and Christian life, as I’ve turned my library card and reading time to different questions, I’ve compiled bibliographies of books I’ve read or intend to read about different topics. Thus far, I’ve scribbled lists on: Sexuality … Continued

Book Review: Being Disciples

The topic of Discipleship is one that I’ve been passionate about throughout my whole Christian life – no wonder, in fact, as it is the paradigm that Jesus calls us to. More recently, I’ve come to appreciate the work and … Continued

God With Us: ​The contribution of Rowan Williams for a Vineyard Sacramental theology of Worship’

I am looking forward to presenting a very tentative debut paper at the SST 2017 Conference at the University of Nottingham. My paper sits in the Sacramentality, Liturgy and Theology stream, and echoes a number of my interests at this … Continued


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