Some 2022 Reading Goals
Last year (2021) I ended up exceeding my reading goals, largely by reading a lot of fiction and taking some sick leave, with regards to quantity of books read. In the last few days of 2021 I realised I was going … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
Last year (2021) I ended up exceeding my reading goals, largely by reading a lot of fiction and taking some sick leave, with regards to quantity of books read. In the last few days of 2021 I realised I was going … Continued
Ever since handing over the manuscript of John Stott on Creation Care early last year, I’ve been keeping an eye out for books on creation care and Christianity that tap in to the Bibles big story, rather than treating it … Continued
After the roundup of what I read in 2021, with my apologies again for a dearth of reviews, here are my top 21 books. 21 – Mark (TNTC) by Eckhard Schnabel – an excellent and accessible commentary on Mark which … Continued
A Vision for Preaching, Abraham Kuruvilla, Baker, 2015, ~200 page paperback I love preaching. Mostly I love listening to preachers preach – and am saddened when the slot in a service reserved for a sermon is instead filled with … Continued
2021 was an interesting year for reading – I probably read over 200 books, if I include the manuscripts I’ve worked on in various capacities. However, I go by my goodreads tally, and this year kept a Twitter thread (click … Continued