Top Reads April 2019
It is always good to read stuff. But it is quite difficult to know what to read, let alone when, so each month I try and share a few things I’ve found interesting or helpful – on some of the … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
It is always good to read stuff. But it is quite difficult to know what to read, let alone when, so each month I try and share a few things I’ve found interesting or helpful – on some of the … Continued
Following on from my 10 in January and 11 in February, here are ten of the things I found really interesting in March. 1. Lackademia: Why Do Academics Lean Left? by Noah Carl – a really interesting paper that is … Continued
While I’ve not met Jayne in real life, we’ve interacted on Twitter and Facebook in various ways. The topic of conversation is often the church and its attitude to LGBT people and theology. It was with some interest, then, that … Continued
30 million copies of Purpose Driven Life sold. 25,000+ members of Saddleback Church. 1 Presidential forum with both candidates in 2008. When talking about Pastor Rick Warren it is easy to focus on the numbers, the influence, the … Continued
I thought it would be worth sharing some thoughts and recommendations on what is out there. As a married young man, I don’t have the life experience to engage fully in this issue, but I want to empower other people … Continued
Be careful what you wish for: The Death of Relativism For many years, people of strongly held beliefs have attacked the inconsistency and hypocrisy of flabby, late 20th Century relativism. The relativism of recent decades has often led to a … Continued
There are different ways I could persuade you to read this book. There are different ways I could describe myself. I am an intelligent Christian Theology graduate from a great university that I worked to get into, am married to a … Continued
This book by Piper – which for whatever reason I had never heard of before seeing it on a church bookstall in the US, is a hidden gem. Books on Christian Marriage are a Dime a Dozen – or all … Continued