What’s in a Name?

“God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name“ Philippians 2:9 My name is Thomas Creedy. This website is titled ‘thomascreedy.co.uk’, and my blog’s Facebook page is ‘Thomas Creedy’s Blog’. Those three … Continued

Some thoughts on Spiritual Abuse

Ever since Jayne Ozanne (Anglican LGBT* activist and editor of Journeys in Grace and Truth) gave a paper to the Royal College of Psychiatrists last year, the topic of ‘spiritual abuse’ (henceforth ‘SA’) has started to emerge on the scene. Ozanne’s … Continued

Book Review: Journeys in Grace and Truth

While I’ve not met Jayne in real life, we’ve interacted on Twitter and Facebook in various ways. The topic of conversation is often the church and its attitude to LGBT people and theology. It was with some interest, then, that … Continued


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