Top Twenty Commentaries of 2023
This is a blog post that will make more sense if you’ve had a glance at my longer post about what I read in 2023, as well as my post on the reading of commentaries generally, as well as another … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
Posts about Romans
This is a blog post that will make more sense if you’ve had a glance at my longer post about what I read in 2023, as well as my post on the reading of commentaries generally, as well as another … Continued
Reviewing commentaries is a tricky business – particularly for me as a generalist, and an in-publisher editor of commentaries! I tend to offer my review based on the format and content of the volume, and it’s utility or otherwise to … Continued
Some might argue that I’m a little late to the game on this book, and it’s companion volume on the Old Testament (both published in 2016), but a useful resource is a useful resource, and thats why I’m reviewing A … Continued
I like reading the Bible. I’ve been doing it daily for the past two years, and before that I tried to do it often, and even spent quite a few years studying theology which help me read the Bible in … Continued
“But what about David?“ That was what a male church leader commented on a Facebook post about allegations concerning Ravi Zacharias. “He was a man after God’s own heart“ Paul, a male early church leader, describes David thusly in Acts … Continued
“I am invincible!“ – Boris Grishenko, Goldeneye, 1995 “Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities“ – Robert H. Schuller “One of the lessons I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you … Continued
I was privileged to be given a review copy of Steve Chalke’s latest book, from his latest publisher, SPCK. I’ve been a fascinated reader of Steve’s ever since I was a student – when the ripples of The Lost Message of … Continued
I’m privileged to have been able to see a counsellor for my Mental Health for a number of years, as well as take medication. Both of those are natural tools of healing – which in my understanding of things sit … Continued
Perhaps it is because I’m allegedly a millennial, or perhaps it is because most places I go I have wifi, or because I already own most of what Coldplay and U2 have written, but I haven’t bought an album for … Continued
Ever since I’d heard about them (when I was working at IVP the series was mooted, but I left about six months before they were published) – and friends who went to New Wine this summer will know more about … Continued