Pitch Me.

posted in: Evangelicalism, Reading, Theology | 7

As I shared recently, I’ve moved back to SPCK Group to work for IVP, the UK’s leading evangelical publisher. As well as doing some digital marketing, I’m also starting to commission books and content. So, if you’ve got an idea, … Continued

Book Review: Including the Stranger

David Firth was one of my favourite lecturers whilst I was doing my Masters at St John’s in Nottingham, and it has been a priviliege working on some of his books whilst I’ve been working for his publisher, IVP. His … Continued

Book Review: God in the Whirlwind

The name David Wells will likely be known to one subset of readers of this blog, and an unknown one to others. This book, though, should be of interest to anyone who reads this blog and/or is interested in issues … Continued


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