Top Reads – January 2018
Following on from my Top Reads of 2017 (and a blog post about my Top Ten Books of 2017!), here’s the first listicle of things I read this year. In January I’ve been pretty busy, but have managed to get … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
Graham Tomlin’s new book in Luther is an interesting one to read. Dense, beautifully written, provocative and encouraging, Luther’s Gospel: Reimagining the Wolrd invites the reader to think carefully about the great reformer and what he said. After a helpful … Continued
I’m re-using this interview as the challenges of Leprosy continue to be little-known. Originally published on my old blog. Today I’m excited to be hosting a blog interview with Hannah, a Twitter friend who works for an important charity. Rather than ramble … Continued
Ever since I heard about this book, I’ve wanted to read it. I was fortunate to pick up a copy at AAR/SBL, and I finished reading it in mid January. Lovin’ on Jesus: A Concise History of Contemporary Worship is a … Continued
It’s been a couple of years since I was fortunate to be at a Society of Vineyard Scholars (SVS) Conference – the last time was in 2015, at the Blue Route Vineyard in Philadelphia. I’m hoping to get out to … Continued
Sometimes, it is really lovely when a person in your small group sees something you’ve done at work before you’ve had a chance to tell them about it. I was delighted to get an email from someone in our group … Continued
This is an older book that I’ve had on my shelf and to read least for a number of years. In it Stephen R. Guthrie brings together two theological themes – the Holy Spirit and what it means to … Continued
One of the ideas I most commonly see bandied around the internet, at least in the Christian circles in which I tend to move, is a (good) concern to be ‘biblical’. This is a word that is often contentious, almost never … Continued
Today I’m reviewing a book by a former lecturer and friend, Peter Phillips, known by many as the Director of CODEC in Durham. This book blends two passions of Pete’s that I share – biblical literacy and Christian discipleship. Engaging … Continued
One of most common things I’m asked about is whether I can recommend a good book on the Trinity. The Trinity is who God is, and who God has revealed Gods-self to be. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit – … Continued