Top Reads: March 2017
Following on from my 10 in January and 11 in February, here are ten of the things I found really interesting in March. 1. Lackademia: Why Do Academics Lean Left? by Noah Carl – a really interesting paper that is … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
Following on from my 10 in January and 11 in February, here are ten of the things I found really interesting in March. 1. Lackademia: Why Do Academics Lean Left? by Noah Carl – a really interesting paper that is … Continued
One of the aims of my 2017 reading challenge is to intentionally and deliberately force to read more widely and randomly than normal. Most people will know that I am fascinated by, and have studied, theology, but less people know … Continued
Echoing an old guest post on the first VCUKI Symposium, and the second one, the following is shamelessly borrowed from my friend Neal Swettenham, Theological Coordinator for Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland! Is our theology just theology or a Just … Continued
Ever since I invested in studying the New Testament as part of my undergraduate degree in theology, I’ve been fascinated by doctrines and personalities of the thin end of the Bible. So, as part of my 2017 reading challenge, I’ve … Continued
Ever since, long ago, I did a seminar for a CU houseparty on the topic of ‘work’, I’ve been interested in vocation and calling and the things that most of us do most of the time. I was quite excited, … Continued
The last few years have been quite eventful. The weeks running up to Christmas were fairly calm. p A holiday. p Getting into the rhythm of work and rest. p Getting glasses. p This time last year the shape … Continued
One of the perks of a being an evangelical in the UK is that you are most likely to be represented by, or have some contact with, the thoughtful and ever-present Evangelicali Alliance. Around since 1846, this is an umbrella … Continued