Top Reads: February 2019

In the second month of 2019 my reading has picked up pace – see my Goodreads profile for details – and so here are some of the best things I’ve read in the last month, and what I thought.

  1. My friend and former SPCK colleague Peter Byrom has shared his story, “Disillusioned with Dawkins: My Journey from Atheism to Christianity”, and I’d recommend reading it. TLDR? Atheism doesn’t have answers or offer meaning.
  2. Jon Brown has written a genuinely good book on the elusive idea of authenticity, MORE: Real. TLDR? This little book is short enough and good enough for everyone to read.
  3. Alister McGrath wrote a great tribute to Michael Green, who died this year. TLDR? You should read this if you call yourself a Christian.
  4. Over at Christian Today, David Baker has written what I think is an incisive article getting to the heart of the difference between liberal/orthodox divisions in churches. TLDR? A meme touches truth.
  5. I reviewed a helpful and practical book that equips parents and pastors to talk about gender with children. TLDR? If that sentence resonates with you, read this book.
  6. Trevin Wax has written a really helpful blog post, ‘You Don’t Have to have a well-formed opinion on everything‘. TLDR? If you are someone who is asked about opinions, this is good to read.
  7. Late to the party, I read this blog post on how to spot an NAR book. TLDR? Don’t know what the NAR is? Bear this post in mind when buying books.
  8. Looking for a Lent Book? Tim Chester has written a good one. TLDR? If you don’t ‘do’ Lent Books, this might persuade you. If it doesn’t, never mind.
  9. Andrew Wilson has written a challenging blog on how churches are either sacramental or charismatic. TLDR? read this, even if (ultimately) the truth might be somewhere else…
  10. Colin Hansen has a thoughtful post over at 9Marks on the state of the New Calvinism movement, ten years on. TLDR? If that sounds interesting, it is.