3 Advent Books
Whilst you might have not noticed my reviews of three different Advent books, particularly as I published them at odd moments in the year, I thought I’d collect them all up in this post now, as this is the sort … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
Whilst you might have not noticed my reviews of three different Advent books, particularly as I published them at odd moments in the year, I thought I’d collect them all up in this post now, as this is the sort … Continued
In the second month of 2019 my reading has picked up pace – see my Goodreads profile for details – and so here are some of the best things I’ve read in the last month, and what I thought. My … Continued
Whilst you might be bored of my reading recommendations – having just shared my Top Ten Books of 2018, and indeed a brief summary of everything I read last year, I’m still trying to read more broadly and widely. So, … Continued
Occasionally I’ll find a book on leadership that I actually like, and like enough to recommend to people. Given that this is relatively rare, for reasons noted in my review of Radical Leadership: in the New Testament and Today, I want to … Continued