Book Review: Theology of the Body

Every now and again, I’m privileged to be at conferences meetings or events that I wouldn’t expect to be. One of the best things about this random trait of my experience of life has been free books. Recently, I was enjoying … Continued

Blown by the Wind: a meditation on the church

Sometimes, one has a bit of writers block – managing only to pump out some book reviews and recaps, roundups and so on. At other times, you need the feel of the wind on your face to open your eyes … Continued

A Mini-Series: A Blast from the NLC Past

posted in: Leadership, Vineyard | 0

Those who know me or have engaged online/theologically will know that the Vineyard movement, of which I am a part, has been a place where I have learnt a great deal. This year, 2016, was the first time I didn’t … Continued


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