Book Review: Evangelical, Sacramental & Pentecostal

As some who happily self-identifies as both evangelical and sacramental, and often bumps up against pentecostalism (I am a Charismatic, but I don’t think I’m a pentecostal in particular) in its various forms, I was intrigued to get my hands on … Continued

Book Review: Kingdom, Hope and the End of the World

From time to time I like to interrupt my preoccupation with my planned reading and engage with something that a friend has written, partly because it is from someone I know, and partly because the topic is so interesting. I’m … Continued

Pray for PFS: Week 5

posted in: Being Human, Prayer | 0

Over at my old blog I’ve been posting Prayer Bulletins for Pilgrims Friends Society, a charity of which I am a Trustee. This post represents the fifth and final one of these, and should signal my commitment to the charity! … Continued


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