Book Review: Luther’s Gospel

Graham Tomlin’s new book in Luther is an interesting one to read. Dense, beautifully written, provocative and encouraging, Luther’s Gospel: Reimagining the Wolrd invites the reader to think carefully about the great reformer and what he said. After a helpful … Continued

Book Review: Lovin’ on Jesus

Ever since I heard about this book, I’ve wanted to read it. I was fortunate to pick up a copy at AAR/SBL, and I finished reading it in mid January. Lovin’ on Jesus: A Concise History of Contemporary Worship is a … Continued

Getting to Grips with the Godhead – some recommendations on the Trinity

One of most common things I’m asked about is whether I can recommend a good book on the Trinity. The Trinity is who God is, and who God has revealed Gods-self to be. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit – … Continued

Book Review: Father, Son & Holy Spirit

While my ongoing theological reading and research focuses to some extent on what it means to be made in the Image of God, I also intend to keep reading and thinking around the particular God that I believe we are … Continued

Book Review: Being Disciples

The topic of Discipleship is one that I’ve been passionate about throughout my whole Christian life – no wonder, in fact, as it is the paradigm that Jesus calls us to. More recently, I’ve come to appreciate the work and … Continued


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