Book Review: KNOW The Theologians

As someone who’s had the privilege of doing a theology degree or two, I’m always on the lookout for books and resources that I can recommend to people without any formal theological education, but keen to stretch themselves and learn … Continued

Book Review: John Calvin and Evangelical Theology

Today I’m reviewing another multi-contributor volume, in this instance one from a few years ago (2007) about one of my biggest theological influences and his impact on the theological movement I tend to find myself in. ‘John Calvin and Evangelical … Continued

Book Review: A Readers Guide to Calvin’s Institutes

This book review is of a book that should aid you in reading one of the books that (other than the Bible) has had more of an influence on Western Protestant theology, and definitely evangelical theology, than any other. That … Continued

DTLC: A Kingdom Theology of Suffering

As I alluded to in a recent blog post, my wife Amy and I recently hosted three ‘theology-themed’ evening services at our local Church, South West London Vineyard. This is the edited text of the talk we prepared together, and … Continued

DTLC: What is Theology for?

As I alluded to in a recent blog post, my wife Amy and I recently hosted three ‘theology-themed’ evening services at our local Church, South West London Vineyard. This is the edited text of the talk we prepared together, and … Continued

Book Review: Luther’s Gospel

Graham Tomlin’s new book in Luther is an interesting one to read. Dense, beautifully written, provocative and encouraging, Luther’s Gospel: Reimagining the Wolrd invites the reader to think carefully about the great reformer and what he said. After a helpful … Continued

Guest Post: New Reformation Resources for Kids Work!

The below blog post is a guest post from my friends at Church Society, an Anglican think tank/organisation, that exists to serve and resource the church. In this anniversary of the Reformation, it is great to see some child-friendly resources … Continued


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