Book Review: Scattered Servants

Alan Scott has had influence on my life since 2012, when I heard him speak at The Cause to Live For, a Vineyard UK and Ireland conference. At the time, he and his wife Kathryn were leading Causeway Coast Vineyard … Continued

Book Review: Convergence

As someone who understands their Christianity as being both charismatic and Reformed, Calvinist and Vineyard, I often find myself being asked to explain just how I hold those two tensions together. My background and upbringing was in a Reformed Baptist … Continued

Thinking Carefully about Spiritual Abuse

Following recent revelations publicly about a leading Anglican evangelical and abuse, and with a new book about Spiritual Abuse just published, I was prompted again (whilst reading Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse) of the need to think carefully about this … Continued

Book Review: Live Like Jesus

I write this review as someone committed both personally and theologically to the Vineyard movement, and the health of Vineyard theology, as well as the wider pursuit of Jesus. This book, Live Like Jesus, is a difficult book to review, and … Continued


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