Book Review: Convergence

As someone who understands their Christianity as being both charismatic and Reformed, Calvinist and Vineyard, I often find myself being asked to explain just how I hold those two tensions together. My background and upbringing was in a Reformed Baptist … Continued

Top Reads: January 2019

Whilst you might be bored of my reading recommendations – having just shared my Top Ten Books of 2018, and indeed a brief summary of everything I read last year, I’m still trying to read more broadly and widely. So, … Continued

A Mini-Series: A Blast from the NLC Past

posted in: Leadership, Vineyard | 0

Those who know me or have engaged online/theologically will know that the Vineyard movement, of which I am a part, has been a place where I have learnt a great deal. This year, 2016, was the first time I didn’t … Continued

Book Review: A Letter to My Congregation

Whilst this review exists in its three parts, as well as a ‘first thoughts’ post, I thought it might be useful to (and having recieved a few requests for the whole thing!) combine them, and so this very lengthy post … Continued


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