What’s in a Name?

“God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name“ Philippians 2:9 My name is Thomas Creedy. This website is titled ‘thomascreedy.co.uk’, and my blog’s Facebook page is ‘Thomas Creedy’s Blog’. Those three … Continued

An Interview with Natalie Collins

Regular readers will know that interviews and guest posts are much more interesting than hearing me waffle – even when I disagree with what they say. Natalie is a Gender Justice Specialist, and her new book [which you can preorder!] … Continued

Thinking Carefully about Spiritual Abuse

Following recent revelations publicly about a leading Anglican evangelical and abuse, and with a new book about Spiritual Abuse just published, I was prompted again (whilst reading Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse) of the need to think carefully about this … Continued


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