Book Review: Prayer, A Guide for the Perplexed

I begin this review with some words from the end of the book: “Prayer is revolutionary. As Christians stand before God in prayer, they stand for the flourishing of common life.” This rather beautiful phrase captures a lot of the … Continued

Book Review: On the road with Saint Augustine

Smith should need no introduction, though if you have not come across him and his Cultural Liturgies project, or introductions to major themes in Christian thought, then this book would be a good place to start. On the Road is … Continued

Book review: The Christian Doctrine of Humanity

Readers should have realised by now that one of my biggest theological interests is ‘theological anthropology’, or rather understanding what it is to be human in an explicitly Christian way, informed by Scripture. This book, then, represents the proceedings of … Continued

An Interview with Alexander Venter

You might have seen my review of Alexander Venter’s new book, Doing Spirituality. As it is quite a long, meaty and beautiful book, I asked Alexander a few questions to help explain and explore what he’s written. I hope it … Continued

Book Review: Scattered Servants

Alan Scott has had influence on my life since 2012, when I heard him speak at The Cause to Live For, a Vineyard UK and Ireland conference. At the time, he and his wife Kathryn were leading Causeway Coast Vineyard … Continued

Book Review: Why We Belong

This review originally appeared in the Churchman Journal, and was published in 2014. With a Reformed Baptist background, an Anglican wife and postgraduate education, and a Vineyard present, I approached this multi-perspective volume with interest. The editors have done thoughtful Christians a … Continued


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