Book Review: KNOW The Theologians

As someone who’s had the privilege of doing a theology degree or two, I’m always on the lookout for books and resources that I can recommend to people without any formal theological education, but keen to stretch themselves and learn … Continued

Book Review: On the road with Saint Augustine

Smith should need no introduction, though if you have not come across him and his Cultural Liturgies project, or introductions to major themes in Christian thought, then this book would be a good place to start. On the Road is … Continued

Suicide and the Sovereignty of God: Part 2

Following on from yesterday’s post on World Suicide Prevention Day, which introduced the topic, defined some terms, and explained the scale of the problem, today I want to turn to Scripture, and consider what the Bible says about suicide, the … Continued

Book Review: Disability in the Christian Tradition

This review first appeared in the Journal Churchman, (2014, 128/2, p. 177-8) which predated its original publication on my own blog. Disability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader, Eds., Brian Brock and John Swinton The emerging and exciting discipline of Disability … Continued


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