3 Advent Books
Whilst you might have not noticed my reviews of three different Advent books, particularly as I published them at odd moments in the year, I thought I’d collect them all up in this post now, as this is the sort … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
Whilst you might have not noticed my reviews of three different Advent books, particularly as I published them at odd moments in the year, I thought I’d collect them all up in this post now, as this is the sort … Continued
Throughout my writing career and Christian life, as I’ve turned my library card and reading time to different questions, I’ve compiled bibliographies of books I’ve read or intend to read about different topics. Thus far, I’ve scribbled lists on: Sexuality … Continued
I used to work for IVP, the publisher of this book. I hope that fact doesn’t cloud my reading of the book or your reading of my review. Whether you celebrate/observe Advent or not, you will be aware that Christmas … Continued
One of the most vital parts of being a Christian is to pursue, practice, and develop a discipline of prayer. This isn’t a duty, but a delight. The reality of this, though, is that very often books and sermons on … Continued
Every year that I have blogged I have tried to do something with Advent. I grew up in a Christian tradition that was somewhat detached from the traditional Church Calendar – even as it pointed me resolutely towards Jesus … Continued