Personal News
Hi, all. This isn’t a normal thing for me to do, but it will make sense of a likely dearth of blog content in the near term, and also I’m excited. I’m delighted to announce that I’ve returned to SPCK … Continued
An Amateur Theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God
Hi, all. This isn’t a normal thing for me to do, but it will make sense of a likely dearth of blog content in the near term, and also I’m excited. I’m delighted to announce that I’ve returned to SPCK … Continued
One of the side effects of getting interested in how humans have been created, and the Doctrine of Creation more generally, is that you end up bumping up into questions of what to eat when. Back when Amy and I … Continued
A few months ago, someone posed a question on a large facebook group that I’m part of around what podcasts would be good to listen to from a Vineyard perspective. Various suggestions were made – but they all seem to … Continued
**MASSIVE DISCLAIMER – I work in Digital Marketing for IVP, and recommended this book as a key resource for my talk at the Premier Digital Conference in November 2016. This review should thus be taken with a pinch of salt** … Continued