Throughout my blogging career, as I’ve turned my library card and reading time to different questions, I’ve compiled bibliographies of books I’ve read or intend to read about different topics. Thus far, I’ve scribbled lists on:
This blog post, I hope, will be another living bibliography.
I have placed the ‘bibliography’ in alphabetical order of the Author’s surname. I have further divided the various resources into i – Books, i.a – Books by SSA/LGBT* Christians, iii – Bibles/Biblical Commentaries and iv – articles and Blog posts (incomplete). It goes without saying that a books inclusion here does not imply I agree with all or any of its contents. In fact, I believe we will only ‘get anywhere’ on this topic by reading deeply and widely. Where a book’s title is hyperlinked, that link reflects a link to my own review of that book. This review is compiled by me, a young (White, male, cis, married, English) evangelical theology graduate in the Vineyard Movement who happens to work in Digital Marketing, and reflects that. Any and all recommendations are more than welcome.
i – Books
Bell, Rob, Sex God, (Collins, London, 2012)
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, Ethics, (Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2009)
Boswell, John, Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality, (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1980)
Brandon, Guy, Just Sex – Is it ever just sex?, (IVP, Nottingham, 2009)
Ed., Brawley, Robert L., Biblical Ethics and Homosexuality, (Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, 1996) (multiperspective)
Brooten, E., Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism, (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996)
Butler, Judith, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, (Routledge, London, 2006)
Burk, Denny, What is the Meaning of Sex?, (Crossway, Wheaton, 2013)
Coakley, Sarah, God, Sexuality, and the Self, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013)
Collins, Ramond F., Divorce in the New Testament, (Liturgical Press, Minnesota, 1992)
Ed., Cornwall, Susannah, SCM Core Text: Theology and Sexuality, (SCM Press, London, 2013)
Davidson, Richard M., Flame of Yahweh: Sexuality in the Old Testament, (Hendrickson, Peabody, 2007)
Ed., Davies, Jon & Loughlin, Gerald, Sex These Days: Essays on Theology, Sexuality and Society, (Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, 1997) (multi-perspective)
Demin, Will, Paul on Marriage and Celibacy: The Hellenistic Background of 1 Corinthians 7, (Eerdmanns, Grand Rapids, 2004)
France, R. T., A Slippery Slope? The Ordination of Women and Homosexual Practice: A Case Study, (Grove, 2000)
Gagnon, Robert, The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics, (Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2001)
Ed., Goddard, Andrew & Horrocks, Don, Biblical and Pastoral Responses to Homosexuality, (Evangelical Alliance, London, 2012)
Gomez, D. J., Ed., True Union in the Body, (Grove, 2002)
Grenz, Stanley J., Welcoming But Not Affirming: Evangelical Responses to Homosexuality, (Westminster John Knox, 1998)
Foucault, Michel, 3 vols ‘The History of Sexuality’, (Penguin, London, 1998 + 1992 + 1990 [trans. from French]) (basic philosophical text on the topic)
Hays, Richard B., The Moral Vision of the New Testament, (T&T Clark, Edinburgh, 1996)
Helminiak, Daniel A., What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality, (Alamo Square)
Heimbach, Daniel R., True Sexual Morality: Recovering Biblical Standards for a Culture in Crisis, (Crossway, Wheaton, 2004)
Holcomb, Justin S. and Lindsay A., Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault, (Crossway, Wheaton, 2011)
Irigaray, Luce, (trans. Burke and Gill), An Ethics of Sexual Difference, (London, Athlone Press, 1993(
Ed., Keane, Christopher, What Some of You Were: stories about Christians and homosexuality, (Good Book Company, 2001)
Keller, Tim, Generous Justice, (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2010)
– The Meaning of Marriage, (Hodder and Stoughton, London, ____)
Klawans, Jonathan, Impurity and Sin in Ancient Judaism, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000)
Kostenberger, Andreas J. and Jones, David W., God, Marriage and Family, (Crossway, Wheaton, 2010)
Kuehne, Dale S., Sex and the iWorld, (Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, 2009) C, A
Loader, W. Sexuality in the New Testament: Understanding the Key Texts, (SPCK, London, 2010) [Loaders wider corpus is important]
– The Septuagint, Sexuality, and the New Testament: Case Studies on the Impact of the LXX in Philo and the New Testament, (Eerdmans, Cambridge, 2004)
– Making Sense of Sex: Attitudes towards Sexuality in Early Jewish and Christian Literature, (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 2013)
– Sexuality in the Jesus Tradition, (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 2005)
Lovelace, Richard F., Homosexuality and the Church: Crisis, Conflict, and Compassion, (The Lamp Press, London, 1978)
Lundin, Roger; Walhout, Clarence and Thiselton, Anthony C., The Promise of Hermeneutics, (Eerdmans, Cambridge, 1999)
Marin, Andrew, “Love is an Orientation”, (InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, 2009)
Martin, Dale. B. Sex and the Single Savior: Gender and Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation, (Westminster John Knox Press, Grand Rapids, 2010)
Mohler, Albert, Desire and Deceit, (
Nathan, Rich, Who is My Enemy? Welcoming the people the church rejects, (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2003)
Olsen, Roger E., The Mosaic of Christian Belief: Twenty Centuries of Unity and Diversity, (InterVarsity Press, Downer’s Grove, 2002)
Payne, Tone and Jensen, Philip, Pure Sex, (Matthias Media, Kingsford, 1998)
Pittenger, Norman, Time for Consent: A Christian’s Approach to Homosexuality, (SCM, London, 1970)
Pollock, Nigel, The Relationships Revolution, (IVP, Leicester, 1998)
Primoatz, Igor, Ethics and Sex, (Routledge, London, 1999) (quote “I suggest that sex has no particular moral significance and that, accordingly, there is no distinctively sexual morality” Interesting!)
Richardson, J. God, Sex and Marriage: Guidelines from 1 Corinthians 7, (St. Matthias Press, Sydney, 1998)
Roberts, Christopher C., Creation and Covenant: The Significance of Sexual Difference in the Moral Theology of Marriage, (T&T Clark, London, 2007)
Rodgers, Jack, Jesus, The Bible, and Homosexuality; Explode the Myths, Heal the Church, (Westminster John Knox, Lousville, 2006)
Rogers, Eugene. F. Sexuality and the Christian Body: Their Way into the Triune God, (Blackwell, Oxford, 1999)
– (Ed.) Theology and Sexuality: Classic and Contemporary Readings, (Blackwell, Oxford, 2002)
Sanlon, Peter, Plastic People: How Queer Theory is Changing Us, (Latimer Trust, London, 2010)
Schanckenberg, Rudolf, The Moral Teaching of the New Testament, (Burns &; Oates, Tunbridge Wells, 1982)
Schmidt, Thomas E., Straight and Narrow: Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate, (InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, 1995)
Scroggs, Robin, The New Testament and Homosexuality, (Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1984)
Soards, Marion L., Scripture and Homosexuality: Biblical Authority and the Church Today, (Westminster John Knox, Louisville, 1995)
Spong, John Shelby, Living in Sin? A Bishop Rethinks Human Sexuality, (Harper Collins, New York, 1988)
Sprinkle, Preston, People to be Loved, (
– (Ed.) Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church, (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2016)
Storkey, Elaine, Men and Women: Created or Constructed?, (Paternoster Press, Carlisle, 2000)
Stott, John, Christ the Controversialist, (Tyndale Press, London, 1970)
– Same Sex Relationships, (The Good Book Company, London, 2017)
Switzer, David K., Pastoral Care of Gays, Lesbians and Their Families, (Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, 1999)
Thatcher, Adrian, Liberating Sex: A Christian Sexual Theology, (SPCK, London, 1993)
– Making Sense of Sex, (SPCK, London, 2012)
– God, Sex and Gender: An Introduction, (Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2011)
Thielicke, Helmut, The Ethics of Sex, (James Clarke & Co., Cambridge, 1978)
Thiselton, Anthony C., The Hermeneutics of Doctrine, (Eerdmans, Cambridge, 2007)
– New Horizons in Hermeneutics, (Harper Collins, London, 1992)
Tripp, Paul, Sex and Money, (IVP, Nottingham, 2013)
Tylee, Alex, Walking with Gay Friends, (IVP, Nottingham, ____)
Webb, William, Slaves, Women and Homosexuals, (InterVaristy Press, Downers Grove, 2001)
Williams Paris, Jenell, The End of Sexual Identity, (Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, 2011)
Wilson, Ken, A Letter to my Congregation, (David Crumm, 2013) [Kindle Edition]
Wold, Donald. J, Out of Order: Homosexuality in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, (Cedar Leaf Press, San Antonio, 2009)
Worthen, Anita and Davies, Bob, Someone I Love is Gay, (InterVarsity Press, Downers Grover, 1996)
Wright, Christopher J. H., Old Testament Ethics for the People of God, (IVP, Nottingham, 2004)
Volf, Miroslav, Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness and Reconciliation, (Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1996)
i.a -Books by Gay Christians/Christians who identify as Same-sex attracted/LGBT* (a variety of perspectives/interpretations)
Allberry, Sam, Is God anti-gay? And other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction, (The Good Book Company, Croydon, 2013)
Eds., Beardsley, C., O’Brien, M. This is my body: Hearing the theology of transgender Christians, (DLT, London, 2016)
Collins, N. all but invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the intersection of Faith, Gender, & Sexuality, (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2018)
John, Jeffrey, Permanent, Faithful, Stable: Christian Same-sex Marriage, (D.L.T, London, 2012) (Portayed as academic but not deep enough. Need to read 2012 not earlier edition)
Hill, Wesley, Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality, (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2010)
Lee, Justin, Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs-Christians Debate, (Jericho Books, New York, 2012)
Mann, Rachel, Dazzling Darkness: Gender, sexuality, illness and God, (Wild Goose, Glasgow, 2012)
Roberts, Vaughan, Battles Christians Face, (Authentic Media, Milton Keynes, 2007 [NEWER EDITION])
– True Friendship, (10Publishing, Farington, 2013) (helpful pastoral book)
Vasey, M. Strangers and Friends: A New Exploration of Homosexuality and the Bible, (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1995)
Vines, Matthew, God and the Gay Christian, (Convergent, ____, 2014)
i.b – Specifically ‘Anglican’ multi-perspective volumes
Ed., Bradshaw, Timothy, The Way Forward, (SCM, London, 2003)
Ed., Groves, Philip, The Anglican Communion and Homosexuality: A resource to enable listening and dialogue, (SPCK, London, 2008)
Some Issues in Human Sexuality – A Guide to the Debate, (Church House Publishing, London, 2003)
Ed., Nolland, Lisa, Sugden, Chris & Finch, Sarah, God, Gays and the Church, (Latimer Trust, London, 2008)
Ed., Ozanne, J. Journeys in Grace and Truth, (Ekklesia, London, 2016)
iii – Bibles and Biblical Commentaries
This, in contrast to the preceding sections, echoes only what I have read, and my textual focus has been on the New Testament texts. Naturally, other texts should be studied. As well as dabbling with the New Testament in Greek when appropriate, I use some Hebrew tools but can’t personally read it. Translations I’ve used, or editions of the Bible, include: The ESV Study Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, New Revised Standard Version, Greek New Testament, The Interlinear Bible
Romans – A sample of what I’ve read/recommend
Barrett, C. K., “The Epistle to the Romans” (A. and C. Black, London, 1962)
Barth, Karl, “The Epistle to the Romans”, (Oxford University Press, London, 1968)
Calvin, John, “Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans”, (Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 2009)
Kasemann, Ernst, “Commentary on Romans”, (SCM Press, London, 1980)
Moo, Douglas J., “The Epistle to the Romans, The New International Commentary on the New Testament”, (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1996)
Osborne, Grant R., “Romans”, (IVP, Leicester, 2004)
Stott, “The Message of Romans”, (IVP, Nottingham, 1994)
Wright, Tom, “Paul For Everyone: Romans Part 1”, (SPCK, London, 2003)
1 Corinthians
Barrett, C. K., “The First Epistle to the Corinthians”, (A and C Black, London, 1987)
Calvin, John, “Commentary on the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians”, (Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 2009)
Fee, Gordon, “The First Epistle to the Corinthians”, (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1987)
Hargreaves, John, “A Guide to 1 Corinthians”, (SPCK, London, 1978)
Hering, Jean, “The First Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians”, (The Epworth Press, London, 1962)
Hodge, Charles, “1 & 2 Corinthians”, (Banner of Truth, Edinburgh, 2000)
Kovacs, Judith L., “1 Corinthians: Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators”, (Eerdmans, Cambridge, 2005)
Morris, Leon, “1 Corinthians”, (IVP, Leicester, 1985)
Thiselton, Anthony, “The First Epistle to the Corinthians”, (Eerdmans, Cambridge, 2000)
– “1 Corinthians: A Shorter Exegetical & Pastoral Commentary”, (Eerdmans, Cambridge, 2006)
Wright, Tom, “Paul For Everyone: 1 Corinthians” (SPCK, London, 2003)
– “The New Interpreter’s Bible: Acts – 1 Corinthians: Volume 10”, (Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2002)
The New Bible Commentary, IVP
The Oxford Companion to the Bible, Oxford University Press
Peake’s Commentary on the Bible, Nelson
Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible,
Pawson, David, “Unlocking the Bible Omnibus”
iv – Articles, Papers and Blog Posts – INCOMPLETE (this is an understatement!)
Interview with Vaughan Roberts,
Peter Ould, Literal Meaning of Arsenokoites,
John Milbank, “Gay Marriage and the Future of Human Sexuality”,
Roger Scruton and Philip Blond, “Marriage: Union for the future or contract for the present”,
Tom Wright, “The Americans Know this will end in Schism”,
– “Communion and Koinonia: Pauline Reflections on Tolerance and Boundaries”. A paper given at the Future of Anglicanism Conference, Oxford, 2002
Rowan Williams, The Body’s Grace,
Various, “Living Out“, (Website featuring various media from same-sex attracted Christians)
Kate Wharton, 40 Year Old Virgin (This is a BRILLIANT reflection on virginity and the role of sex in life from a single ordained Anglican Woman)
Henry Luke Orombi, ‘What is Anglicanism?‘ – powerful article about authority in relation to issues of sexuality and beyond.
As I said above, I would seriously value comments on this blog post, as it would be a help to me, and commenting here means that future readers can see what others think.
Rosie Button
Thanks for putting this together, a huge help. At Redcliffe College in Gloucester we have started a new MA module called Gender and Mission, which can be taken as part of an MA in Contemporary Mission. See We will run it again July 2019. I would love to use this list and may be able to add to it from the Bibliography we put together – which I could also send you.
Josh Heyes
Tom great idea putting this together I have lots of suggestions for additions! Also featuring stuff I mostly don’t agree with but need to understand. Here are a few rough random highlights but let me know and I can send much more!
Farley, Margaret A. 2006. Just Love : A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics. Continuum International Pub. Group.
Jeanrond, Werner G. 2010. A Theology of Love. London: T. & T. Clark.
Rees, Geoffrey. 2011. The Romance of Innocent Sexuality. Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Giddens, Anthony. 1992. Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies.
Jakobsen, Janet R., and Ann Pellegrini. 2003. Love the Sin : Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance. New York University Press.
Illouz, Eva. 2005. Why Love Hurts : A Sociological Explanation.
Levy, Ariel. 2006. Female Chauvinist Pigs : Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture. Free Press.
Scott, Joan W. 2009. “Sexularism.” Ursula Hirschman Annual Lecture on Gender and Europe, April 23, in Florence, Italy.
Weeks, Jeffrey. 2007. The World We Have Won : The Remaking of Erotic and Intimate Life. Routledge.
Gardella, Peter. 1985. Innocent Ecstasy: How Christianity Gave America an Ethic of Sexual Pleasure. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Loughlin Gerard. 2007. Queer Theology. Blackwell.
And you missed off Glynn Harrison!