Building a Bibliography: On Aging and Older People

Throughout my blogging career, as I’ve turned my library card and reading time to different questions, I’ve compiled bibliographies of books I’ve read or intend to read about different topics. Thus far, I’ve scribbled lists on:

This blog post, I hope, will be another living bibliography. It will deal with the ever-present but not always very ‘sexy’ topic of aging and older people. Whilst I am under 30, through church and family and work I am connected with people older than me, people who are aging. I’m also at present a Trustee of Pilgrims Friends, a Christian charity whose vision is ‘Christians for Older People’. I can’t do everything – no one person can – but I feel this is an issue that the Lord has laid on my heart, and a topic to pursue in reading. I don’t realisticalyl think I’ll write anything serious on it for the time being – but it feeds into my bigger project of trying to engage with a biblical understanding of what it means to be human.

I hope that provides something of a rationale for this new, little bibliography. Comments and suggestions are very welcome.


  • Jennifer Bute (with Louise Morse), Dementia from the Inside: A Doctor’s Personal Journey of Hope, (SPCK, 2018)
  • Louise Morse, Dementia: Frank and Linda’s Story, (Monarch, 2010)
    • Worshipping with Dementia
    • What’s Age got to do with it? Living Out God’s purposes at all ages (2017)
    • Dementia: Pathways to Hope, (2016)
    • with Roger Hitchings, Could it Be Dementia? Losing your Mind doesn’t mean losing your soul, (2008)
  • John Swinton, Dementia: Living in the Memories of God, (SCM, 2012)
  • Richard Rohr, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, (SPCK, 2012)
  • John Wyatt, Matters of Life and Death, (IVP, 2009)
    • Right to Die, (IVP, 2015)
    • Dying Well, (IVP, 2018)
  • Douglas Dales, Living through Dying: The Spiritual Experience of St Paul, (Lutterworth, 1994)
  • Paul Badham, Making Sense of Death and Immortality, (SPCK, 2013) –
  • Marcus Nodder, What Happens When I Die?, (Good Book Company, 2013)
  • Brian Edwards, When Evangelicals Care: The Story of Pilgrim’s Friend Society (Day One, 2017)
  • Derek Prime, A Good Old Age: an A to Z of Loving and Following Jesus in Later Years, (10Publishing, 2017)




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