Following on from my 10 in January and 11 in February, here are ten of the things I found really interesting in March.
1. Lackademia: Why Do Academics Lean Left? by Noah Carl – a really interesting paper that is well worth reading in the current climate.
2. The World on Our Doorstep by Dewi Hughes – a brilliant little book that is about mission to internationals, but contains a wealth of ‘stuff’ on culture too!
3. Rachel Dolezal: ‘I’m not going to stoop and apologise and grovel’ – a brilliant piece in the Guardian by Decca Aitkenhead that is well worth reading when thinking about identity and privilege.
4. David Mathis, What Does the Shack Say About Your Pain? – a superb, and pastorally minded, piece of writing about the Shack.
5. What is Marriage? – a fascinating academic article in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, putting forth a secular case for traditional marriage.
6. Martin McGuinness at Summer Madness 2015 – this is a really powerful, encouraging video, featuring Christian young people praying for a key Irish leader.
7. We live in interesting times. Literally, history is unfolding before our eyes. Make sure you read UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s letter beginning the Brexit process.
8. Christianity Today is a brilliant magazine. They recently published a superb article on ‘The Three Myths of Cohabitation‘.
9. A relative of Benny Hinn, the heretical ‘faith healer’, has written a provocative and controversial post on Christian conferences.
10. Another great article from Christianity today explores the implications of our over-sexualised culture on male/female relationships in ministry…
I hope these pique your interest…
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