As mentioned last week, I’m starting a new monthly series of posts collecting together the ten best things I’ve read that month. It won’t always be ten, and it might not be the best things I’ve ever read, but hopefully it will be an interesting set of variety. Here’s ten things I’ve read in January 2017 that I’d love other people to read:
- 10 Rules for Online Engagement – a great, if old, blog post that is a helpful challenge to all of us on the internet in this New Year
- God with Us: The meaning of the Cross and Resurrection then and now – Rowan Williams’ new book, which I really enjoyed, even though I didn’t expect to.
- Evangelicals should be deeply troubled by Donald Trump’s attempt to mainstream heresy – Michael Horton on fine form in a national USA newspaper, this is a must read.
- The Futility of Gender-Neutral Parenting – a thought-provoking piece of writing, which I’m not sure I totally agree with, but definitely think needs to be considered.
- An old interview in The Telegraph with Jill Saward, who died earlier this year.
- A Better Story: God, Sex & Human Flourishing – a new book by Glynn Harrison which offers something genuinely new to the Church’s discussion of sex.
- Christmas Eve Sermon – a powerful, provocative and controversial sermon from someone who I consider something of a modern-day prophet.
- By Faith we let them go – Dan Strange’s moving, Christ-centered tribute to Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill Theological College, who died suddenly this month.
- Silence – the classic novel by Shusaku Endo, now a major Hollywood film.
- Finally, something humorous, but relevant in the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation: Grandmother mistakenly prays to statue of Lord of the Rings Elf
There we go! Ten things I’ve read this month, that I think you should read too. Do add your recommendations in the comments – I’m always interested to read more things…