Over the last month or so, by my reckoning, two significant things have happened that affirm the place of women within the family of God, and specifically celebrate their gifts within the Church of Christ.
Firstly, and probably less excitingly to most, is the appointment of Kristi Mair as Pastoral Support and Research Fellow at Oak Hill Theological College, in London, from 2018-2021. Well known for it’s rooted-ness in biblical languages and theological teaching, Oak Hill is often typecast as being anti-women. Kristi’s appointment is a brilliant step in challenging that narrative, and celebrating the gospel. Kristi has served with distinction – by which, personally, I mean that she continues to encourage me – as Assistant Team Leader for UCCF in The Midlands Region, and is also a gifted speaker and writer. I was delighted to hear that Kristi has (Finally?) started her PhD, and I’m looking forward to seeing what God will do with Kristi at Oak Hill.
Secondly, and designed to challenge the perception that it is hard to find a female speaker for a Christian event, is Project 3:28’s launch. If, unlike me you are not on Twitter, you might not have noticed the way that Galatians 3:28 has been understood and acted on:
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus“
The project has set up a database of female speakers. This means that the only characteristics you need to register (unless, like me, you are someone who might be looking for a speaker, in which case you are also catered for) is that you are female and you have an email address. You can filter by theological persuasion, topic specialisms, and more, and there are some great tools to help find a speaker.
Some of my favourite Twitter people have signed up, and so I would commend Project 3:28 to you, as a place – with a very searchable database – to find folk who could speak powerfully to your gathering.
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