Book Review: Atonement and the New Perspective

It was a joy to be given a copy of this book by the author – a fellow Vineyard scholar/theologian, with whom I’ve shared genuine friendship, robust disagreement, and serious dialogue. Atonement and the New Perspective: The God of Israel, Covenant, … Continued

Book Review: Live Like Jesus

I write this review as someone committed both personally and theologically to the Vineyard movement, and the health of Vineyard theology, as well as the wider pursuit of Jesus. This book, Live Like Jesus, is a difficult book to review, and … Continued

Book Review: Invest your disappointments

This book is a strong contender for my book of the year. Paul Mallard is a popular preacher and writer, based in the UK, who writes beautifully and biblically on a range of Christian living topics. This book deals with … Continued


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