Top Reads: November 2017

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Back in the swing of things, this follows on from my October and September selections, after a break over August. I hope you’ll find something of interest here.

1. Suffering and Singing by John Hindley. I loved this little book about worshiping in the real world, an exposition of a great Psalm, and a beautiful little book on suffering.

2. It’s not conversion therapy to love your body: a teen desister tells her story. This is a difficult but important story from one person who has lived through Trans* issues, and yet doesn’t fit with the normal story. (As an aside, this website is fascinating)

3. What do the Eastern Orthodox think about being human? This was a question I wanted to engage with, so read The Theology of the Body by Larchet, which I thoroughly (if critically) enjoyed and have reviewed.

4. Was Joseph a Pervert? A great blog post engaging with an interesting question that has emerged from our American cousins.

5. In Search of Ancient Roots. This is a book that anyone interested in church history/evangelicalism/sacraments/history/culture should read.

6. The Biggest Racist on Twitter – and the ordinary man whose identity he stole. This is a brilliant bit of journalism over at the New Statesman. What do you think ‘people’ on the internet are saying?

7. Think Friday – Adoption. A post from the new Northern Ireland Evangelical Alliance blog, featuring a brilliant video with Malini Colville talking about the Gospel subject of adoption.

8. The Introvert Charismatic. This is a fascinating book, which I’ve discussed in depth on and offline, that is a helpful read for ‘introverts’ and the people who lead/with them.

9. ‘Just’ a ‘Tweet‘ – but seriously, the Vineyard Scholars Conference is brilliant.

10. The Cold Within. This is a poem I’d not come across before, but enjoyed at a conference earlier this year, and so reflected on in a recent blog post.


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