Top Reads: March 2019

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You might have noticed my post last month about the things that I’ve enjoyed reading. March continued to bring in some interesting things to read, and I produce my normal monthly ‘top ten’. Enjoy!

  1. The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book isn’t very good. TLDR? In the Creation narrative, is Eve an actor or a prop?
  2. Over at True Freedom Trust Stuart Parker has written Am I kidding myself? TLDR? A powerful and profound article about someone who, whilst being same sex attracted, is married to a member of the opposite sex. Well worth reading.
  3. This interview with Michael McClymond on Universalism makes for fascinating reading. TLDR? With quotes like “universalism is the opiate of the theologians“, this is essential for people wanting to think theologically about the issues universalism raises.
  4. VCUKI has started doing books – the best so far is the one for millennials, The Cause to Live For. TLDR? Good book, best read in chunks.
  5. Is the Vineyard Calvinist or Arminian? This article by my friend Luke Geraty is superb. TLDR? This question has more implications than you’d think. Read this.
  6. Food and hospitality are vital to sharing the Gospel. A new book, Simply Eat, shows how and why (Also lots of recipes)
  7. The Gospel Coalition has a really thought-provoking blog post about what it means to believe that Jesus could return at any moment. TLDR? Language matters, and it is worth thinking eschatologically.
  8. Don Carson’s Prophetic from the Centre is a good little book. TLDR? Thinking about evangelicalism is hard – remember the Gospel.
  9. A friend on Facebook shared this helpful guide to working out whether or not trusting any given news story is reasonable. TLDR? Fake News definitely happens, try and be savvy. This shows you how.
  10. Stephen Kneale has some provocative (and I would argue prophetic) thoughts about conversations with Muslims. TLDR? Interfaith is a meaningless word. Read this.



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