At some point I’m going to need to write a ‘thinkpiece’ about Christian publishing. This book, actually, prompted that thought. So I won’t go down that line today.
So what is this book?
This is a short, readable, challenging little book from one of my nearly-favourite authors. Kevin DeYoung, that deals with the thorny question of the conscience.
I need to emphasise again – this is a short book, dealing with a large issue, but Kevin does a great job in the few pages available to him. The subtitle of the book is the invitation this nicely produced little booklet offers – to turn from Sin to Christ for a joyfully clear conscience.
Kevin engages with Luther, Paul, and the spread of New Testament teaching on the conscience. This would be a helpful book for those of us who struggle with what our conscience is, and how we engage with it Christian-ly. This invitation to turn from Sin to Christ is an invitation to joy – and this little book is one that is an encouragement and a faith-builder. I read it in one short sitting – and at 40 pages I think you could too!
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